Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Contrast, Harmony, and Balance

This is a photograph I took this past weekend I've titled "Towers of Crash."
In terms of contrast, we've got a fairly wide range of shades that span from the dark shades of the window blinds to the light that's on in the corner of the room, which reflects off of some points of the walls.  The balance is asymmetrical due to the different heights of the cymbals.  The hi-hats sit a little lower in the frame while the crash rises nearly to the top-right corner.  The harmony of the photograph is illustrated by the musical instruments repeating as your eye travels deeper into the photo.  The snare and drumsticks lay the foundation at the bottom of the frame, followed by the asymmetrical cymbals, which are in focus, leading by two guitar necks and the rest of the room.

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